Sunday 14th July 2024 - 10:30am
Hove Hornets welcome you to our ‘Stinger’ WSFRL senior race event. The event is part of the West Sussex Fun Run League but is also open to unaffliated members. The run will beheld on Sunday 14th July at 10:30am at Waterhall Playing Fields, Waterhall Road, Brighton, BN1 8YR (Registration at the marquee by the finish). We believe you will enjoy a challenging cross-country course over approx. 10km of the Downs with spectacular views, which includes hills, styles and a varied terrain.
The course is approximately 10 kilometres along public bridleways and footpaths. The ground consists of chalk with flint exposed and grass. It is very uneven, especially in the first 2 kilometres where there are deep tractor ruts often containing water. On the return, the field at 8K is badly pitted by cattle hooves on a moderate downhill gradient. Please proceed with extreme caution - you can make up time later.
At the beginning of the race, there is a steep gradient and sharp right turn after which the climbs are less severe. There is a second steep gradient after approx. 5 kilometres, out of Saddlescombe Farm, where water is available. The course will be marked by kilometre signs (approx. distances only) and direction arrows. It is likely that the uneven terrain and styles will produce reduced race times – but a great run!